Android Question Google translate not returning all text


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I use the code below to translate text in diferent languages , problem is that only first word is translated and the text does not return entirely ?

Is there a problem in the code or this is how the service works ?

Sub translate(text As String,source As String , destination As String)
    Dim job As HttpJob
    Dim transtr As String = text
    Dim jobname As String = "xlate"
    Dim jobtag As String = "french"

    job.Initialize(jobname, Me)
    job.Tag = jobtag

    ' Use Google Free google API translate
    Dim srclang As String = source
    Dim dstlang As String = destination
    Dim poststr As String = "" & _
    srclang & "&tl=" & dstlang & "&dt=t&q=" & transtr
    job.PostString(poststr, "")

    job.GetRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    job.GetRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0")
    'lbOut.Text = ""
End Sub

Sub MyParser(js As String) As List ' returns list of string arrays
    Dim rlst As List
    Dim sa1(), str As String
    Dim p As Int
    sa1 = Regex.Split("]", js)
    For Each s1 As String In sa1
        p = s1.LastIndexOf("[")
        If (p < 0) Then Continue
        str = s1.SubString2(p + 1, s1.Length)
        str = str.Replace(QUOTE, "")
        Dim sa2() As String = Regex.Split(",", str)
End Sub


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translate("Welcome to new york and have a nice day","en","de")
is working for me withoiut a problem. Though i do not know if the result is correct. Dont know what the null are and the 3...

Anyway: it does work for me.

[[["Willkommen in New York und einen schönen Tag","Welcome to new york and have a nice day",null,null,3]],null,"en"]
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google can not translate a whole sentence. u get a output but often it is nonsense or incomplete.
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