Android Question Google TV - app submission - declined!


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My App in playstore would be ideal for google / android TV - and i want it to show up on Nvidia Shields too but after submission it was declined on the following grounds.

Eligibility issues:

Your app displays ads which cannot be dismissed using the D-pad or gamepad controller.

Please refer to our D-pad Navigation documentation for more details:
The Google Play listing is missing application screenshots for Android TV devices. Please upload at least two unaltered, high resolution (1280 x 800 minimum) screen captures.

Please refer to this requirement in our Developer Console Help Center here:

Your app displays static banner ads which are not full screen.

Please refer to our Functionality documentation:

I can sort number 2, no problems but i dont understand how I can do point 1 and 3? as far as I am aware, I only display a banner (admob) advert. so whats a full screen banner? and why cant i dismiss it with the D-pad?


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