ObfuscatorMap.txt file created in Objects folder.
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Generating R file. Error
ERROR: resource directory 'f:\android\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\res' does not exist
Hi all,
about post #11. I read ..google\google-play-services... (minus signs in g-p-s sequence) in the folder selected path, while the error box shows ..google\google_play_services.. (underscore chars in g-p-s sequence).
Then with the B4A version 6.0 there ISN'T PROBLEM. This thread had been opened in relation to version 5.8 B4A. He had the same problems with the update SDK 30
But with version 6.0 there is no problem.
So if you use B4A 6.0 dont worry.
I have follow this process ( #31), no problem for google_play_services but now I have an other problem :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 6587000 but found 8487000. You must have the following declaration within the <application> element: <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="@Integer/google_play_services_version" />
I have follow this process ( #31), no problem for google_play_services but now I have an other problem :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 6587000 but found 8487000. You must have the following declaration within the <application> element: <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="@Integer/google_play_services_version" />
This thread was opened when there is version 5.80 and the new SDK.
After a couple of days went out the version 6.0 and everything has been solved.
Strongly suggest to switch to version 6.0
I use already version B4A v6.0, but I had different problem when I have updated google play service (v32):
1) google_play_services folder does not exist libproject \ google-play-services_lib \ res
----> I have followed the process (#31) to install google_play_services v29
2) Then, I had the problem with library FusedLocationProvider
----> I have changed library FusedLocationProvider 1.10 to 1.31 (because google_play_services older than version 27)
3) Then, I had the problem with java.lang.IllegalStateException: The meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value
----> I copy android-support-v4.jar (#37, thanks MarcoRome)
4)Then , I had this error :UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL ERROR:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when I compile
---> I have changed the file ini (b4xV5) to change MaxRamForDex 1024 to 1536
Youpiiiii all works fine, what an adventure !!!
I don't understand why I had this problem with version B4A 6.0 ?
Thank you very much for your help Erel, MarcoRome and all forum !