I use already version B4A v6.0, but I had different problem when I have updated google play service (v32):
1) google_play_services folder does not exist libproject \ google-play-services_lib \ res
----> I have followed the process (#31) to install google_play_services v29
2) Then, I had the problem with library FusedLocationProvider
----> I have changed library FusedLocationProvider 1.10 to 1.31 (because google_play_services older than version 27)
3) Then, I had the problem with java.lang.IllegalStateException: The meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value
----> I copy android-support-v4.jar (#37, thanks MarcoRome)
4)Then , I had this error :UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL ERROR:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when I compile
---> I have changed the file ini (b4xV5) to change MaxRamForDex 1024 to 1536
Youpiiiii all works fine, what an adventure !!!
I don't understand why I had this problem with version B4A 6.0 ?
Thank you very much for your help Erel, MarcoRome and all forum !