I searhed for the tutorials but couldnt find any. Is there a way to draw the route of the gps device travelled. for example when the app started at point a , during the travel the app will draw a route ( like a line ) and when the travel finished it will stop drawing
Need oyur ideas or if there is a tutorial i couldnt find please point me
Dim Direction As Polyline
Direction = GoogleMap1.AddPolyline
Dim llPoint As LatLng
Dim points As List
llPoint.Initialize(mpiCurrent.dLatitude, mpiCurrent.dLongitude) <<Add Your Points
Direction.points = points
I tried it and it works perfect ty but is there any way to change the color ( it is always black ) and is there any way to have the line on the road ( because of little gps mistakes the route driven is gets out of the way a bit ) ty
Dim Direction As Polyline
Direction = GoogleMap1.AddPolyline
Dim llPoint As LatLng
Dim points As List
llPoint.Initialize(mpiCurrent.dLatitude, mpiCurrent.dLongitude) <<Add Your Points
Direction.points = points
line = GoogleMap1.AddPolyline
line.color= Colors.Red
to put it on the street is more complex, one way to solve it, is using a routing service. you can try https://mapmatching.3scale.net/ for example, problem, that the routing is performed with OSM, so the route will not match the the google map in all cases. Other possibility is to use google routing service between each two gps points, which will provide the segments for your route.
I am using this technique to draw the way traveled. can i store this points with a mysql table to later display the route again ? or there will be so many points so that i wont be able to store them ?
Is there any better way for it