B4A Library GoogleMapsExtras


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@DonManfred Can you work with an SVN repo?
You'd just need to pull and commit, nothing fancy.
i´m sure i´m able once i get told how to do it.

I also started wrapping
Most of them are used by the GeoJson Feature of the MapUtils...
They are written but not tested as yet...

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I have an application that I have written a while ago. I haven't used StreetViewPanorama for a while, but today, when I clicked on a button to show it it came up with an error:

After checking, I found out that, as usual, Google had to do some changes that made this error

Would it be possible to fix this in the library?


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i have an application like uber.- taxify and ...
i want to detect start and end dragging map events
camera_change and location_change not good solution
i want to detect all touch actions on the map



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Hi warwound

This lib is awesome, thank you very much for your time and effort.

I have used the InfoWindowAdaptor to produce a much better info window which looks great.
However, I wanted to put 2 or more 'clickable' image views inside the container view that loads within the standard InfoWindow (panel in this instance).
Basically, I want the user to click a marker on the map, pop up the adapted info window and then be able to click on options from within the info window.
The info window contains several views but the click events do not seem to fire for the individual views or even the containing panel.
It seems that only the InfoWindow_Click event can be fired not the content within the adapted info window.

I could detect the InfoWindowClick and pop up another panel with the various options but would prefer to handle with a single click if possible.

Is it possible to detect the click events from the child elements in the adapted view?

Hope this makes sense but let me know if you need further clarification.



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Is it possible to detect the click events from the child elements in the adapted view?


Have a look at this link on Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20283539/button-onclicklistener-on-infowindow-in-google-map



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The info window that is drawn is not a live view. The view is rendered as an image (using View.draw(Canvas))

I was starting to think this must be the case, thanks for confirming.
Still great to be able to make pretty InfoWindows, thanks.


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I am getting such an error. I could not find the cause.
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I like to use a "Tag" in circle options.
Is there a need to built a map with the id of the circle
or we have another option?

Kind regards Volker


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I have a question, how can I call the InfoWindowAdapter window by pressing the item in listview?



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I have a question, how can I call the InfoWindowAdapter window by pressing the item in listview?


Look at the Marker documentation:

InfoWindowShown As Boolean
Gets or sets whether the info window is shown.

When an item in your ListView is clicked try setting the corresponding Marker's InfoWindowShown property to True.


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Yes, if I call Marker1.InfoWindowShown = True, this window shows, but this is not a window with InfoWindowAdapter, because there I have more text

if I press the marker on the map, this window is with more text
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