Android Question Google's new demans - SDK 33

Zeev Goldstein

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
hi folks,

i guess you received the same mail as i received notifying that sdk 33 is a must trarget sdk starting August 2023

what will be the steps required to switch to sdk 33 ?
is it only waiting for B4A system update whitch i trust will come soon ?
or anyone has any info on new "bizzare" requirements?


Zeev Goldstein

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Well the current android SDK with B4A has 33 and I have updated couple of apps setting the target as 33 and it works fine.

Yes the IDE recommends 31 for now but if your app is not so complex and depends on lots of sdk components, you can switch.
thank you for your rapid reply
should i update anything in the b4a environment or just set in manifest target to 33 ?
if need to update - could you please tell me what & how ?

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