Hi, this is my first post in the community and i would like to share an app. made with B4X. I am still in the learning process of the platform, so any advices about the app. are welcome.
GOPHRite is a Gopher client for Android devices. It uses a Webview to render the pages, cause i wanted the zoom, scroll and theming with css capabilities of it.
I know it's a weird app to make, in the era of todays modern web, but i was always fascinated by the TEXTMODE.
You can get the app. from here: http://andr01d.zapto.org:8080 and gopher://andr01d.zapto.org:7070
And some screenshots...
GOPHRite is a Gopher client for Android devices. It uses a Webview to render the pages, cause i wanted the zoom, scroll and theming with css capabilities of it.
I know it's a weird app to make, in the era of todays modern web, but i was always fascinated by the TEXTMODE.
You can get the app. from here: http://andr01d.zapto.org:8080 and gopher://andr01d.zapto.org:7070
And some screenshots...
Screenshot_2022-01-19-13-31-45-318_xqtr.gophrite.jpg117.6 KB · Views: 2,647
Screenshot_2022-01-19-13-32-00-325_xqtr.gophrite.jpg113.1 KB · Views: 287
Screenshot_2022-01-19-13-31-29-245_xqtr.gophrite.jpg347.3 KB · Views: 293
Screenshot_2022-01-19-13-32-39-167_xqtr.gophrite.jpg448.1 KB · Views: 285