GPS and bluetooth logger - Help and suggestions


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Longtime User

I am trying to code an app to record my cardio/running routines.

The idea is to log gps points while i run/walk/cycle and also record heartrate with my Zephyr band (bluetooth)

I got the info from Zephyr protocol and packets analyzing some opensource apps. So i got that covered.

I've read the tutorials about services, basic app working, vars, global vars, etc. So i am ready now to start coding.

I want to make this app opensource so i think it could be a nice app to have in the forum so other people could learn about B4A reading a full working app.

What i trying to learn here, and so i ask for suggestions, is to the new Android/B4A programming "frame", as i am a classical c++/delphi/sql windows programmer.


The initial structure i've thought is

1 Activity: initialization, user profile & settings, start services (before starting services, check for bluetooth, pairing, and for gps on, satelites check, etc), saves information to files, etc

2 services: 1 service logs gps points to a internal structure, 1 service logs bluetooth packets from zephyr heartrate band

what do you think? could you suggest another better structure?

one thing to take in account is power consumption, because bluetooth and gps could be on, and logging for 2-3 hours, or even more. So thinking about it could be a plus.

also i want the app to be robust, so inside services, i could check for gps disponibility, and to check if communication with bluetooh band is lost, etc...

any comment welcomed!

(sorry my english!)


Licensed User
Longtime User
nice suggestion, i'll start with just one service and one activity, i'll keep updating this post with design decisions and code. thanks!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok, after reading this I just ordered one,

If you would like to share, it will save me some time porting it over.

I order the developer kit

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Licensed User
Longtime User
hi, i've just designed interface and functionalities,
i've thought in some interesting features as:

- configure as much cardio zones as you like
- TTS voices speaking when you enter/exit cardio zones
- TTS warning when batterie is low, gps signal is lost, or zephyr band is unpaired
- TTS configurable for some events as, time, cals burned, etc
- use most precise calories burned (using age, heartrate, time, sex, etc...)
- possible to use R-R heart intervals to calc other nice things, as epoc, vo2max, etc

thanks for you interest!
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