GPS Coordinate drawing


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Hello guys,
I need to write a program that draws coords from a gps logfile to a map I know the corner coords from.
All coords are in decimal format.

How can i implement that without using additional libraries?
I figured out that the thing i need is to calculate the relation between the distance between the corner points of the map and the sizes of the screen width/height to make it work but i dont know how, I tried everything and you guys are my last hope. :sign0148: :BangHead:

Thanks in advance,
I appreciate as always



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What size is your maps, in pixels, do you want or need to scroll the map?
Would you also need to use the mouse functions of the form ?
Do you want to display only log files or also display directly the coorinates coming from the GPS ?
Why don't you want to use at least the ImageLibEx library that gives you all you need for displaying images and drawing and you have all in one mergeable library.
As Erel already said, you should post a map with it's corner coordinates and a GPS log file

Best regards.


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Hello, sorry for that few info but i thought you could solve it without the map and coord details.

In the attachment is the map (karte.jpg) and a log file (log1.txt, basically a csv but due to upload limits renamed .txt).

The corner coordinates of the map are as follows:
UL_N=50.7820 '[B]U[/B]pper [B]L[/B]eft corner

LR_N=50.7716 '[B]L[/B]ower [B]R[/B]ight corner

@Klaus: Es sollen nur die Koordinaten der geloggten Strecke als Linien auf der Karte angezeigt werden, des weiteren rollt die Karte nicht, sie passt in ein Programmfenster. (Desktop-Programm)

(@Klaus: Only the coords of the logfile route shall be shown on the map as lines, furthermore the map is not intended to scroll as it fits a window.)

Gotta get this done TODAY, I would appreciate your support :)


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Longtime User
Hi Christian,

Attached you find a program that draws log files on a map.
The log file you sent looks strange, because the coordinates drawn onto the map don't follow roads.
I checked the coordinates of your map on GoogleEarth, they are OK.
There is a 2nd log file, yours shorter and moved and a second map file smaller than the original one.
You need to have your original map file "karte.png" in the same folder as the program.

Best regards.


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