At the moment we are using a service module for the GPS.
When using the GPS-example we noticed that the icon of the GPS disappeared when using the back or home button. GPS isn't active any more.
In our application the GPS-icon remains visible after using the back or home button. GPS remains active. That is unwanted behaviour but we can't get it fixed.
To active the GPS this code is used, it stands in a Code Module:
The service module looks like this:
The pauze event in the activity is:
The question is how to stop the GPS and let the GPS-icon disapeare. When logging the Service_Destroy of the Service is being called.
At the moment we are using a service module for the GPS.
When using the GPS-example we noticed that the icon of the GPS disappeared when using the back or home button. GPS isn't active any more.
In our application the GPS-icon remains visible after using the back or home button. GPS remains active. That is unwanted behaviour but we can't get it fixed.
To active the GPS this code is used, it stands in a Code Module:
Sub CheckGPS
If ((def_GPSMode=1 AND arZendingen.Size>0) OR def_GPSMode=2 OR (def_GPSMode=0 AND piRijtijd=1)) Then
If GPSService.GPS1.GPSEnabled = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Activeer de GPS.", True)
StartActivity(GPSService.GPS1.LocationSettingsIntent) 'Will open the relevant settings screen.
GPSService.GPS1.Start(0, 0) 'Listen to GPS with no filters.
End If
End If
End Sub
The service module looks like this:
Sub Process_Globals
Dim GPS1 As GPS : GPS1.Initialize("GPS")
Dim Currentloc As Location
Dim Latitude, Longitude As Double
Dim count As Int
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
End Sub
Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Loc As Location)
Currentloc = Loc
count = 0
count = count + 1
Longitude = Loc.Longitude
Latitude = Loc.Latitude
Log("in GPS")
Globaal.GPS_Long = Currentloc.Longitude
Globaal.GPS_Long = Globaal.GPS_Long.Replace(".", ",")
Globaal.GPS_Lat = Currentloc.Latitude
Globaal.GPS_Lat = Globaal.GPS_Lat.Replace(".", ",")
Globaal.GPS_Alt = Currentloc.Altitude
Globaal.GPS_Alt = Globaal.GPS_Alt.Replace(".", ",")
Globaal.GPS_Speed = Currentloc.Speed
If (Globaal.lastGPSfile < (DateTime.Now - Globaal.GPS_Interval * DateTime.TicksPerSecond)) Then
Globaal.lastGPSfile = DateTime.Now
End If
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
GPS1.Start(0, 0)
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
Log("GPS service destroyed")
End Sub
Sub createRecord
Dim lat, lon, alt As String
Dim lNew, lNow, lOld As Long
Dim sSpeed, sGPS, sTime As String
If ((Globaal.def_GPSMode=1 AND Globaal.arZendingen.Size>0) OR Globaal.def_GPSMode=2 OR Globaal.def_GPSMode=0 AND Globaal.piRijtijd=1) Then
Globaal.GPS_LastTime = DateTime.Now
lNow = DateTime.Now
sTime = DateTime.Time(lNow)
lNew = DateTime.TimeParse(sTime)
sGPS = "<gps>" & Globaal.getdate & "|" & Globaal.getTimeNoLimiter & "|" & Globaal.gps_Alt & "|" & Globaal.gps_long & "|" & Globaal.GPS_Alt & "|" & Globaal.GPS_Speed &"</gps>"
File.WriteString(Globaal.Map_GPS, "GPS" & Globaal.getDateNoLimiter & Globaal.getTimeNoLimiter & ".xml", sGPS)
End If
End Sub
The pauze event in the activity is:
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
Log("Pauze Main "&UserClosed )
If UserClosed Then
End If
End Sub
The question is how to stop the GPS and let the GPS-icon disapeare. When logging the Service_Destroy of the Service is being called.