GPS Question


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Hi all!

I've adquired this soft, after buying a chinese GPS - I know is not the best to test, but worked fine for a while (Windows CE6.0)-.

I was trying to get GPS data for an application, but the only data I can get is by using GPSDriverNMEA object.
Tryied with the GPSDriver and I got a Pinvoke error at gpsapi.dll which is on my GPS.
Also tested with the Gps Serial 2 library, but I got an IOExeption while opening the port (actually my Gps runs on Com1)

Question is, how can i get the GPSDriverNMEA data parsed, or be able to use the other dlls?



I've figured how to read the GPS data, but any other ideas will be great for me
For all of those that has a Generic Chinese GPS with an AMR processor and WinCE6.0, The only way I found to get data was to use the GPSDriverNMEA, on COM1, then use the GPS driver that comes with the software, and use just the funcion GPSStream sending the returning data from the gpsdrivernmea.

Any advice will be appretiated
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