GPSDriver.dll and GPSDriverNMEA.dll


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A Question:

I already use the gps.New1 in frmLoad for the GPSDriver.dll.
So, if I also use GPSDriverNMEA.dll I know we need to add a new Object.
Can I name this GPS.New2 ? Would that be correct ? Also for the GPSDriverNMEA.dll I need the Door lib. How does this work with two different GPS.dll’s please ?

Thank you for kind help.


PS. hello klaus


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Can I name this GPS.New2 ?
GPS is the name of the object, New1 is a method invoked on it. You need to use a different name to GPS for the GPSDriverNMEA object in Tools -> Add Object -> GPSDriverNMEA
Also for the GPSDriverNMEA.dll I need the Door lib.
Why, what do you want to do with it?


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Hello Mr. agraham

Nice hearing from you.
I think I understand the method invoked Part, of the new obj.

Name for GPSDriverNMEA:

“different name to GPS” >>> like GPS2 !?

As for the >>> GPSDriverNMEA.dll I need the Door lib:

Lets say I was just Assuming the Door lib, was needed. The GPSDriverNMEA source of the forum has the Commponent added.

BTW Sir. Few Years back, I wrote a APP using Visual Basic 3-6 ! I did some diving, so we used a small APP. With GPS Functions.

The forum itself does not have anything as such. It needs to be PORTED> to usable basic code.

If you are maybe Interested, please let me know.

Hope your well.
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