Android Question GradientDrawable with different corner radius?


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In "TabHostExtras1.setTabGradientDrawable2" I can set the corner radius for the GradientDrawable like described below:

"Set a GradientDrawable as the background on all TabIndicators in tabHost1
Corner radii of the GradientDrawable are set individually (in pixels) based upon the number of elements in the array cornerRadius:
1 element defines all corner radii
2 elements define corner radii in order top left and right, bottom left and right
4 elements define corner radii in order top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left"

How can I set different Corner Radii for a GradientDrawable?


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You can do it with the JavaObject library.
Sub setCornerRadii(v As View, Rx_TopLeft As Float, Ry_TopLeft As Float, Rx_TopRight As Float, Ry_TopRight As Float, Rx_BottomRight As Float, Ry_BottomRight As Float, Rx_BottomLeft As Float, Ry_BottomLeft As Float)
    Dim jo As JavaObject = v.Background
    If v.Background Is ColorDrawable OR v.Background Is GradientDrawable Then
        jo.RunMethod("setCornerRadii", Array As Object(Array As Float(Rx_TopLeft, Ry_TopLeft, Rx_TopRight, Ry_TopRight, Rx_BottomRight, Ry_BottomRight, Rx_BottomLeft, Ry_BottomLeft)))
    End If
End Sub
It's possible for ColorDrawable and GradientDrawable backgrounds.
8 parameters are needed, two for each corner.
In the routine above you submit the view to change and the routine checks if the backgrounds ColorDrawables or GradientDrawables.

Note: If the view is added in the code you need to define the background with:
Private cdw As ColorDrawable
cdw.Initialize(Colors.White, 0)
Label1.Background = cdw
If you set the background color with:
Label1.Color = Colors.White
It throws an error.
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It works good.
Thank you, Klaus.
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