I need to monitor if radio station is running (is generating sound) on remote device, without the ability to be on device location. (issue is that radio is stopping from playing, while I don't see any reason in the code)
Is there any way to add graphic equalizer so I can know if remote device is generating any sound?
or any other way to "see" the sound?
I found something (not sure if this is my original issue)
if player is playing, and it lost the internet connection
even if timer issue player.play it will not start playing.
it stopped again, when timer is running (doing it's stuff every 10min) it is sending log to my server.
and yesterday night it stopped sending (as I see always)
I have logs everywhere, so it did not crash, player did not crash, service did not destroy etc..
the timer is just stop working after X hours (I think 2-3 days)