I have a PNG file called "block" and another called "S"
What i want is the block to be the background and the S to be in the foreground as a kind of merged PNG.
is this possible?
Or will i have to have one image view on top of another with the 'block' image loaded in to the imageview at the rear and the 'S' image loaded into the foremost imageview?
Yes, but you need to have the background color of the foreground image to be transparent otherwise the background image would be totally overwritten.
You should draw both or at least the second one with a Canvas.
the PNG backgrounds are transparent so should be ok.
so would i have to initialize a Rect and then draw one bitmap onto the canvas and then the other and finally invalidate the imageview to get it to redraw?
Something like:
Dim cvs As Canvas,rd As Rect
cvs.DrawBitmap(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "block.png"),Null,rd)
cvs.DrawBitmap(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "s.png"),Null,rd)
Im not on my B4A laptop at the moment so cant try it