B4J Question GraphView Library in B4J doesn't work


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Hello Erel, or anyone else who has more experience with B4J, i'm playing around with B4J and the capabilities of it, I was trying to make my Graphview Library work with it, but i came a cross an error message, from what i understand is that there's a required class not found and it makes sense since B4J is not android based, but i was wondering if there's a way to make it work, obviously i have no idea where to start, so i'm asking for some help, my graphview library can be found here http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/graphview-library.34995/#content and below is the error i get when i try to launch the project, any help with this will be greatly appreciated.



Licensed User
Longtime User
You will not be able to use this library as it is based on Android specific APIs.
Thanks Erel, i was afraid of that!
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