Hi I am looking for a grid view that behaves like CustomListView but can have columns as well as rows.
What I want to achieve is a scrolling grid (only needs to scroll up and down) where each cell can hold a layout. (I need to be able to access each item in the layout like the GetView from CustomListView)
For my purposes each cell can have the same layout but it would be nice to be able to specify different layouts for each cell.
If you look at Erel's example of xcustomlistview, there is a layout of cellitem. You can create your own cellitem design and adapt the code to access each view in the design.
To load different items layout you'll have to modify this sub:
Sub CreateListItem(Text As String, Width As Int, Height As Int, something as boolean) As Panel
Dim p As Panel
p.SetLayout(0, 0, Width, Height)
if something then
end if
Label1.Text = Text
Return p
End Sub
If you look at Erel's example of xcustomlistview, there is a layout of cellitem. You can create your own cellitem design and adapt the code to access each view in the design.
To load different items layout you'll have to modify this sub:
Sub CreateListItem(Text As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel
Dim p As Panel
p.SetLayout(0, 0, Width, Height)
Label1.Text = Text
Return p
End Sub
Yes but in each column item you can have few views in a row like a one row in a grid and refer to each view separately.
In the example you can click the button and /or check the box...
I think you are suggesting I have each CustomListView layout repeat the view for each column. EG. If I want 3 columns then the layout would have label1, label2 and label3
Doing that I cannot change the number of columns dependent on screen size and I would have to hide views if there wasn't enough information to fill a row. I can't see how that would work.
This is what I am trying to achieve but with a generic format for each cell.