Hack app - IP

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all
i m trying to make a hack app
with port scaner, ddos atacks, mysql problems etc

my question for now is
what can i get of pcs with the ip? for example

like cmd
tracert iphere
nbtstat -a this return me the pc name and mac

with socket can i check the ports

what else can I achieve with ip of a victim?

which maximum data that can extract from a remote ip?

if anyone understands about networks help me please * - *

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
jajaj nops, i dont go tell victim xD
i tell now remote ip
wha tcan i have of remote ip ?

pc name
where is the ip

what can i know about one ip ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Someone hacked Douglas Farias password..

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
i m only make this question because
show me a app to scan ports with shell
P.Shell("ping -c1 -w0.6 -s1 -i0.3 " & PingAddr, Null, sbOut, sbErr)

if we can know ports can know another informations no ?
like nbtstat on windows cmd etc