Happy birthday Cableguy


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Hallo Cableguy,

Happy birthday from germany


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Has another one come round again
How time flies! Hope you're having a great birthday mate. Here in the UK it is bright sunshine, ideal weather for a barbeque and a few beers, I'll have one for you later :sign0060:

Best wishes


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To all of you, my friends, who thought of me today, my most sincere Thanks...
@Klaus...I'm more of a Porto wine man...will surely have some tomorow ( Saturday is the boys night out!)
@RandomCoder...Yeap, time flies ... especialy when among friends...I will raise my glass with you next year, promess...
I believe this is my fith aniversary here in this comunity...hope to make another five!!!

To all, I thank you and raise a glass of Porto with you all!


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Has it really been five years????

I believe this is my fith aniversary here in this comunity...


Time has flown even faster than I realised!
I believe that we both joined the B4PPC community at roughly the same time, and I recall all the questions we used to ask :sign0161:

Whilst my work has taken alot of my time of late, I always like to pop back to see what is happening amongst my friends.
Pretty soon I hope to free up some time so that I can have a play with Android



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:signOops: too late but I wish you a great birthday party today.
I will raise a glass to you (no Merlot today, ha, ha).

Have a great year!
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