Attached is a small (unofficial) library (C# source code included) which can activate and deactivate PPC notification leds.
Usualy notification led 0 is a really led and led 1 (in most cases) is the vibration mechanism.
Basic4PPC .sbp test file included.
If it works OK, Erel can add it to hardware library.
@DZT: I converted your C# source code to VB.NET and added it to my RawIr.dll :sign0188:
First thing I found, (even with your dzLEDs.dll), I can use led.ActivateLed(1) to make the Led flash,
but have to use led.DeActivateLed(0) to stop it flashing. Otherwise I have to do a soft reset to stop it flashing.
I've tried everything to alter the rate of the flash but have been totally unsuccessful. I've tried adding subs for all of the below structure settings, but nothing changes the rate. Is it possible, is that why it isn't implemented in dzLEDs.dll
Public LedNum As Integer
Public OffOnBlink As Integer
Public TotalCycleTime As Integer
Public OnTime As Integer
Public OffTime As Integer
Public MetaCycleOn As Integer
Public MetaCycleOff As Integer
End Structure
The addition of your code to my .dll was purely for my own satisfaction that I could do it. It won't be released.
The credit is still with you :sign0098: