Since June 1st, I've noticed the following issues with Google Play Console & Firebase:
[GPC] When a Beta is promoted to production it (or in this case the previous version) remains "stuck" in the Beta track - even if it's 100% rolled out to production.
[GPC] A large amount of Games Services data has vanished, including the player stats from the summary screen & the feature analytics data. Previously, I had history going back 4 years in some cases.
I contacted Google about this & their response was "it takes some time to build up enough data to report on"... I have emailed them back to point out that some of my games are over 4 years old, so there should be plenty of data available. I have also asked them to look at a backup pre-June 1st. (although I'm sure they'll tell me they don't have access to backups).
[FB] After I released a new version of Five Dice (v20.2), it was being reported as the previous version (v19.9) in Streamview in Firebase. I could even see when I had v20.2 running on my test device that it was showing up as v19.9 in Streamview - so I know that it wasn't just that there was nobody running the app. I emailed Firebase about it & they replied asking for a whole lot more info - however in the meantime I released v20.3 & it is now showing up in Streamview, so I haven't followed up with them.
It seems to me that all of these issues started on June 1st, so I suspect they made a whole lot of changes that took effect on that date.
Anyone else seen any of this?
- Colin.