B4J Question Having an error JUST on MAC...

Gary Miyakawa

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I JUST started getting this error when I go to Display a second layout in the program. The second layout is VERY basic with mostly a ListView box where all my trace/debug information ends up.

If I'm on Windows, everything works as expected. When I try it from from the bridge or loading the .jar file on the MacBook I get the following error:

I'm open to suggestions of where to look.


Gary Miyakawa

Gary Miyakawa

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Longtime User
It's actually on the "show".

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)

And this is what the Form looks like:

I'm going to skinny down the program and upload it in a bit.


Gary Miyakawa
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Gary Miyakawa

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Debugging 101.... Reboot EVERYTHING (both windows and Mac) and test again...

Sure enough, that resolved it.

(BTW, just restarting the bridge (b4j-bridge.jar) was NOT enough to clear it so it was something inside of the MAC that was unhappy. I even tried running it directly from the .jar file and it still failed.)

Sorry !! But hope this helps someone in the future !


Gary Miyakawa
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