However, compiling gives me the following error message:
AndroidManifest.xml:10: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'xlargeScreens' in package 'android'
Can someone give me a clue as to why? I thought my android.jar might not be the latest version so I downloaded and installed the newest SDK, but it made no difference.
You need to target api verion 9 i.e. target=android-9 ( or more ) in your project properties. Also, you will not be able to support devices below verion 2.3.3
I think, but I'm not sure about this, that Basic4Android has to point to a target below this? So that might be a conflict.
To solve the problem, you'll have to
- run SDKManager, and upload API10 for example.
- configure path into B4A : Tools/Configure path
- change android.jar path :\android.jar
Then, you'll be able to add android:xlargeScreens="true" with the manifest editor
You'll have to do this if you want your app to be available on tablets...
Google says :
* For apps targeting minSdkVersion value less than 13, a <supports-screens> element must be declared with both android:largeScreens="true" and android:xlargeScreens="true".
In my manifest I have minSdkVersion = 4 and TargetSDK = 14.
So following the guidelines I have to add the xlargeScreens parameter ?