The emulator works OK and while debugging it is OK. I have obviously misunderstood its use.
If I upload the program with debug information and attach the debugger it hangs awaiting connection if I don't have any Breakpoint. (I have noticed that if there is one I can add another while debugging).
If I detach the debugger and information in order to simply run the program it hangs again.
Is it the case that the emulator is only for debugging?
Where have I gone wrong please?
If I upload the program with debug information and attach the debugger it hangs awaiting connection if I don't have any Breakpoint. (I have noticed that if there is one I can add another while debugging).
If I detach the debugger and information in order to simply run the program it hangs again.
Is it the case that the emulator is only for debugging?
Where have I gone wrong please?