Help! Calendar View


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MSCalendar control mscal.ocx is not perfect and has known issues.. but I used it in special way and was working.. the control populated month days in a grid, beside showing month and year on top.
I couldn't find a corresponding view in B4A so I am asking if someone can lead me to a place where there is B4A calendar view. I am looking for the graphical interfacce that shows ALL 31 days at once (like wall calendar)

Thanks in advance for any help!


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yes Erel, that one is date picker.
I want the calendar stay, instead of being invisible after the pick. is that possible in code, and how?
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I did it with shear force - 42 labels, 6 rows and 7 columns placed in a grid. I populate the grid with the numbers in the proper location as the month changes. A lot of work but I have total control of fonts, font size, color and so forth for each label...
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Longtime User
DOgbonesix, would it be possible for you to share this code as I also have need of that kind of calendar.

Many thanks
Kintara :cool:
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