HELP Error opening Bluetooth virtual serial port (outgoing)


Licensed User
using Windows CE.NET 5.0

I'm getting an error trying to open the bluetooth virtual comport (printer) the error message shows IOException (no other details on error message).

using Serial2.dll (tried the Serialdevice.dll same problem) tried new1 and new2 mode as well...

The same PDA works correctly with that Bluet. printer and another program (not written by basic4ppc) .

Wile my program works correctly (open the BT virtual port) using another PDA (as well as Win CE.NET 5.0 like the other).

Any Idea or suggestion ?



Licensed User
The PDA have CF 3.5 on board (same version of the other working model) I also tried to downgrade to CF 2.0, having the same result "IOException" opening the port.

Seems that something is moving... because the error is not immediate (seems after a timeout) and it change if BT slave is ON or not...

If the printer is ready and paired it shows "IOException" Error message opening com port

If Printer is OFF it shows "The COM port COM... does not exist" opening com port
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