[Help] For Splash Screen and WebView


Hey, like it's write in title I need help for 2 things
For splash screen, I've try all method of the forum but no one function, maybe I do it bad, so can anyone post here a full code and all we have to do please?

It's for the webView to know that it is possible to download something in the webview? because it's more speed that phoneitem --> openbrowser

Sorry for my english, I'm french

(B4A is REALLY perfect!! thanks)


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There is a splash screen tutorial HERE

Yes you can open web pages onto the webview with
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thanks for your response I know how webview works but for example I put a link like
"http://www.b4x.com/android/files/b4a_bridge.apk" to download the apk of B4A, webview is white and the download doesn't start :s

And for the tutorial of splash screen I have already try it but I've some error with panel initialize for example, does I must to create a new activity for this?
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Longtime User
Show us your code! and error!

It sounds like you're just missing an initialize, possibly you haven't generated all members yet? (done from the Designer - it's not done automatically when you add items - which is a bit of a pita, but the way it is)

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Licensed User
Longtime User
thanks for your response I know how webview works but for example I put a link like
"http://www.b4x.com/android/files/b4a_bridge.apk" to download the apk of B4A, webview is white and the download doesn't start :s

I don't think that's the way to use Webview... I think it's more to allow the viewing of webpages or html... I think you'd need to use the HTML lib or something (I'll try and see if I can find it....)


ETA : something like this : http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4andr...ndroid-web-services-now-simple.html#post50919

if you search, using the search function at the top of the page for "download link" it should give you more threads about this topic

Bon journee!!
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For splash screen my code is:
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub

Sub Globals
   Dim Timer1 As Timer
   Dim panel1 As Panel
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 3000)
End Sub

Sub Timer1_tick
    Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub

And the error is:
"an error has occured in sub: main_activity_create(javaline:212)
Object should first be initialized (Panel). Continue?"

And when I add Panel1.initialized(Panel1) I've no error but no splash screen :s
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Okay, so that might be the error... So scratch the error

no splash screen - what size, etc.. is this on the Designer, I'm guessing you used the Designer to create the screen? It might be that it is being displayed behind something else?

BringToFront or SendToBack (of another panel, if there is one) may well sort this out...?

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