Android Question Help!!! How can I populate table with arraylist

Peter Simpson

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I'm retrieving data from an MySQL database and the results are being placed into an List. My question is how can I get that data into a Table. I wrongly presumed by doing the following I would get line 1 from the List into the table: Table.AddRow(Array As String(List.Get(1))), but I was wrong :(

I keep getting the following error: "Wrong number of values". Example of the values are below.
[1677, PHI0065, 19 July 2013, Philomena Gardner, £46.85, Yes, Yes, Yes]

I actually want to populate a table. The first two results from the ArrayList are below, I do set the number of columns to 8 with the following line Table.Initialize(Me, "Test", 8).
(ArrayList) [[Invoice Number, Account Number, Invoice Date, Company Name, Total, Printed, Posted, Paid], [1685, INT0012, 19 July 2013, Intensa, £62.87, No, No, Yes], [1677, PHI0065, 19 July 2013, Philomena Gardner, £46.85, Yes, Yes, Yes]]

What I actually want is to get data from an MySQL database into a Table, and not into a ListView or ScrollView both of which I can already do.

Any example source code would be more than appreciated :)

Thank you...
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Peter Simpson

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Good morning Erel, yes you are correct, but I can't seem to get the string arrays to work with Table.Add. When I say table, I mean this table

Log results of list arrays

(ArrayList) [[Invoice Number, Account Number, Invoice Date, Company Name, Total, Printed, Posted, Paid], [1685, INT0012, 19 July 2013, Intensa, £62.87, No, No, Yes], [1677, PHI0065, 19 July 2013, Philomena Gardner, £46.85, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1672, LUC0032, 19 July 2013, Lucy Profeta, £27.79, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1668, AME0007, 18 July 2013, Ameibein Limited, £65.31, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1646, CHA0062, 16 July 2013, Charles Edward Hill, £27.95, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1633, FAI0008, 14 July 2013, Faith Stevens, £18.85, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1632, KER0011, 14 July 2013, Kerstinkitchen, £147.38, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1631, SHI0012, 12 July 2013, Shirley Slimane, £34.45, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1619, MAR0302, 11 July 2013, Martin Prescott, £31.90, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1617, API0002, 11 July 2013, Apichanuch Sangrungrueng, £23.15, Yes, Yes, Yes]]

ArrayList to JSON
(JSONTokener) at character 0 of (ArrayList) [[Invoice Number, Account Number, Invoice Date, Company Name, Total, Printed, Posted, Paid], [1685, INT0012, 19 July 2013, Intensa, £62.87, No, No, Yes], [1677, PHI0065, 19 July 2013, Philomena Gardner, £46.85, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1672, LUC0032, 19 July 2013, Lucy Profeta, £27.79, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1668, AME0007, 18 July 2013, Ameibein Limited, £65.31, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1646, CHA0062, 16 July 2013, Charles Edward Hill, £27.95, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1633, FAI0008, 14 July 2013, Faith Stevens, £18.85, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1632, KER0011, 14 July 2013, Kerstinkitchen, £147.38, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1631, SHI0012, 12 July 2013, Shirley Slimane, £34.45, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1619, MAR0302, 11 July 2013, Martin Prescott, £31.90, Yes, Yes, Yes], [1617, API0002, 11 July 2013, Apichanuch Sangrungrueng, £23.15, Yes, Yes, Yes]]

Screen shot below.

Thank you...


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Longtime User
Try this code:
Dim row() As String
row = Regex.Split(",", ResultList.Get(0))
For i = 1 To ResultList.Size - 1
    row = Regex.Split(",", ResultList.Get(i))
Best regards.
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Peter Simpson

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That's Great @klaus thank you for that, A regular expression would never have crossed my mind.
There is one problem still. The table is populating brilliantly, but the '[' and ']' are still at the beginning of each line. Do you have any ideas?

Thank you
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Dim row() As String
dim strresult as string

row = Regex.Split(",", ResultList.Get(0))
For i = 1To ResultList.Size - 1
row = Regex.Split(",", strresult)
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Peter Simpson

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Thank you @Mahares. That basically looks like the way that I did it but I also included the header.

           Dim Row As String
                Row = ResultList.Get(0)
            Table2.SetHeader(Regex.Split(", ", Row.Replace("[","").Replace("]","")))
            For I = 1 To ResultList.Size - 1
                Row = ResultList.Get(I)
                Table2.AddRow(Regex.Split(", ", Row.Replace("[","").Replace("]","")))

It's strange how coding works sometimes.
This has taken me a long time to get fully working correctly. But I created and released my first ever swipe menu library in just one day :)

Thanks again to everybody.
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Peter Simpson

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I did at first, but the [[...]] instead of {[...]} had me stumped, that why I then went for the solution above. Anyway, about an hour after my last post in this thread, I decided to stop using the MySQL library and started using HTTPUtils2 to connect to MySQL databases, thus I could then parse the results string with the JSON library, which is exactly what I done.

Cheers anyway Erel :)
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