Android Question Help! - How do I send Firebase messages from B4A and B4i


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Did I miss something? I have been searching the forums and can't find any example code on how to now send firebase messages from within my Apps using the new V1 firebase ?

Any help much appreciated as I have a few projects that need updating before June :)


Alexander Stolte

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10 seconds of search:
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10 seconds of search:

Yeah, that is for RECEIVING firebase messages.
I want to SEND messages (From B4A and B4i - Not B4J)
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Alexander Stolte

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Yeah, that is for RECEIVING firebase messages.
I want to SEND messages
Have you even read through the thread?
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Of course I have :)

As I have said, I want to sent from B4A and B4i

The only example is B4J

If someone can be helpful please rather than just posting random unhelpful replies, thanks
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Alexander Stolte

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You can take the project from the following thread. It is a B4J project, but it uses cross-platform code, so it should also work in B4A and B4I.
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Yeah, that is for RECEIVING firebase messages.
AND also the correct tool to SEND them!
USE the B4J-Tool like announced in the Tutorial.

Run it on a server if you want. Send a command to your server and send the notification from your server then.

This is how the system should be implemented in B4A and B4I.

Adding a server-key to your app is a big mistake and a real dangerous option. It is easy to get the key from your APK.
This can never be the correct solution.
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I understand him. I have similar app.

I converted the B4J sending tool to a B4A and B4i ADMIN Application.

With all my Apps with their corresponding topics and Key loaded.

It makes it easier to send broadcast messages to any of your apps, anywhere without B4J or Computer.

Edit: And it's a personal app, not published in the store
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AND also the correct tool to SEND them!
USE the B4J-Tool like announced in the Tutorial.

Run it on a server if you want. Send a command to your server and send the notification from your server then.

This is how the system should be implemented in B4A and B4I.

Adding a server-key to your app is a big mistake and a real dangerous option. It is easy to get the key from your APK.
This can never be the correct solution.
OK, thanks, I will implement that way :)
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