HELP! I am in WAY over my head...


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I found B4a and it is very very cool... so many great people willing to help out a noob... but still, the app (even the simple version) that I am looking to build is way WAY over my skill set..

The more I learn, the more I learn I need to learn more...

The Project: This will be a geo-location coupon app... it will need to pull info from my website (Wordpress Site using MySql Database) to a local database on the phone based on location, then display the coupons via location bubbles on a Google Map...

I have a good start with the graphics designed, I have also found many "parts" (libs, & classes) that have been shared here... everything needs to be connected together to work...

If everything works out, I will need iOS & Windows versions of the app, PLUS many many planned updates and feature adds as we go along... this really could turn into a long term and very profitable project for the right programmer...

Hit me up ASAP if you have what it takes!

P.S. I have a VERY limited budget to get this going, however once I have a working app... future updates will pay very very well
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