I want to use libsodium in my android application to create a secure connection between client and server. The huge advantages of libsodium in comparison to all other encryption libarys are features like password hashing and more modern high-level cryptographic tools . My main focus besides password hashing is the use of Curve25519 instead of RSA to make the key-exchange. The documentations of libsodium are available here: https://doc.libsodium.org/.
The question is if somebody could help me to convert the already exisiting project (which is written in Android Studio) https://github.com/joshjdevl/libsodium-jni to b4a.
Best Regards
The question is if somebody could help me to convert the already exisiting project (which is written in Android Studio) https://github.com/joshjdevl/libsodium-jni to b4a.
Best Regards