Android Question Help ! Is there a way to load strings from excel into b4xTable


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Hello ,

I have successfully included B4Xtable into my App.

I have three coloums
1. ID -> Number
2. Name -> Text
2. Value -> Number

ID is just a counter number from 0 - 1000
Value -> I get this from BLE device

For the NAME I have created a string array. Which is loaded into the name column as the ID increments. string in the array corresponds to the ID number

The B4A applications works smoothly if the string array is small (number of string element's are less) however the program starts to lags and is almost not usable if the string array is very big

is there is a better way to load strings ? example from an excel sheet into the b4xtable Colum ?
I looked at the localization topic/post, I am not sure if this is the correct way

Can anyone help ?