Help me design a logo for Erel :)

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He lives in Israel right? so an Arab maybe?

How's this for a first rough draft?

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I think it's a fair likeness :D

just remember kiddies, once you have made a logo and launched it on the internet there is no taking it back

oops :D
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I would like to see a new icon for Basic4Android. It is a excellent software with a poor icon.


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It does need a 21st century icon because it is 21st century fantastic software!

The original 1985 icon depicts a phone :D

But of course we now have tablets that don't look anything like phones.

What if wrist devices become popular? They don't look anything like phones or tablets.

Perhaps move away from displaying any kind of device.


Licensed User
Longtime User
It does need a 21st century icon because it is 21st century fantastic software!

The original 1985 icon depicts a phone :D

But of course we now have tablets that don't look anything like phones.

What if wrist devices become popular? They don't look anything like phones or tablets.

Perhaps move away from displaying any kind of device.

Yes, is a fantastic software but see the font of text "Basic 4 Android", see the background (no transparent). The logo of B4J is very nice.
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