Active Member
I'm trying to master your b4A and B4J products.
So far, I like everything very much, but there is one problem-
The B4J project works with the Access database only in demo mode...
What could be the reason?
You need Access!!!
For example, we have:
1. B4J.8.10 + Access *.mdb (2000 - 2003)
2. http://ucanaccess.sourceforge.net/site.html (Last 5.0.0)
4. Connecting:
5. Trying to delete the table:
The program works without errors, but nothing happens in the database.
Moreover, if you perform actions with changes to table entries, everything also works,
but only on the screen, when the program is closed, there are no changes in the real database.
What could be the reason ?
If possible, send an example of a project that can actually delete a table in the mdb file (Access 2000-2003).
Thank you for any help!
This project download -> https://yadi.sk/d/-AyrAnO38lts8w
I'm trying to master your b4A and B4J products.
So far, I like everything very much, but there is one problem-
The B4J project works with the Access database only in demo mode...
What could be the reason?
You need Access!!!
For example, we have:
1. B4J.8.10 + Access *.mdb (2000 - 2003)
2. http://ucanaccess.sourceforge.net/site.html (Last 5.0.0)
#AdditionalJar: ucanaccess-5.0.0.jar
#AdditionalJar: hsqldb-2.5.0.jar
#AdditionalJar: jackcess-3.0.1.jar
#AdditionalJar: commons-logging-1.2.jar
#AdditionalJar: commons-lang3-3.8.1.jar
4. Connecting:
DBFile = "C:\.........\cars.mdb" ' exclusively version 2000-2003
SQL.Initialize ("net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver", "jdbc:ucanaccess:// " & DBFile & "; memory=false")
SQL.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [cars]")
End Try
The program works without errors, but nothing happens in the database.
Moreover, if you perform actions with changes to table entries, everything also works,
but only on the screen, when the program is closed, there are no changes in the real database.
What could be the reason ?
If possible, send an example of a project that can actually delete a table in the mdb file (Access 2000-2003).
Thank you for any help!
This project download -> https://yadi.sk/d/-AyrAnO38lts8w
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