Android Question [HELP needed] AppCompat ACToolBarLight SetAsActionBar added to activity frome code; needs tweaking


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A similar question has been posted (I don't know where) but this is a different one.
I am trying to achived this (only) frome code, for my knowlege
Sub Globals
    Private ToolBar as ACToolbarLight
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    ToolBar.Initialize ("ToolBar")
    Activity .AddView (ToolBar,0,0,100%x,56dip)
    ToolBar.Elevation = 4dip
    ToolBar.SubTitle="Change settings"
End Sub
And then all the codes necessary from this thread
All is working as expected, but the only difference (between this code and a "ACToolbarLIght preformatted layout") is the "more" button color (the three dots button color) witch is not white as expected, but black.

I understand that between a ToolBar created with designer and this one frome code are some internal initialization differences.
Is there a way to access/set Theme property (as in "ToolBar.Theme=ToolBar.THEME_DARK") frome code? In code one could only set PopupTheme as above, but not Theme.
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