when my app is being pushed to the background for example due to incomming call or sms, and then i load it back either from desktop icon or task manager,
any msgbox that was active on screen is gone
is there a way to make sure it will be returned complely to the same view as it was before the interruption?
if there was a msgbox on screen so the msgbox will still be on screen
No as it is based on a secondary view and that breaks the flow
Look at the sample I've uploaded and the explanation it will all be clear as per what I need
I've just been through the thread. Where is the sample?
Yes, it is a secondary view, but so is a Messagebox.
I have the feeling that you have written your program in a particular way and now you have reached a limit of what is possible and keep within your constraints.
I can't say for sure though without seeing some code.