Help needed with basic4ppc via bluetooth to basic stamp


New Member
Hi, after reading through the forums and some of the tutorial as well as the e-book, i have only managed to find sample codes of connecting basic4ppc to basic stamp. However i do not know to code it my own way, e.g. i have a basic stamp module, and complied a .exe withe basic4ppc desktop IDE, the exe i made was with 4 buttons, when i press 1 , i want the basic stamp module to recieve and say, on a led. But i do not know how to connect the 2. any guidance please? sorry for the bad english.


New Member

I have a board of education kit + easy bluetooth module.
I am using Basic4ppc + Bluetooth dongle on the com.

Now, i compile my code like this.

Basic Stamp:
RX PIN 2 ' RX of the Easy Bluetooth
TX PIN 0 ' TX of the Easy Bluetooth

Baud CON 84 ' Baud set at 9600

Sig_IN VAR Byte ' variable, input from user
valdata VAR Byte

DIRA = %1111
OUTA=%1111 'all off initial



SERIN RX, Baud, [Sig_IN] ' receive input from user

LOOKDOWN Sig_IN,[65,66],valdata
BRANCH valdata,[c1,c2]
GOTO jumpend

'Character A was received.
GOTO jumpend
'Character B was received.
GOTO jumpend


Basic4ppc: (complied with serial2.dll)
Sub Globals

End Sub

Sub App_Start

Serial.New2 (7,9600,"N",8,1) 'com port 7, baud 9600

End Sub

Sub serial_OnCom

TextBox1.Text=TextBox1.Text & Serial.Inputstring

End Sub

Sub Button1_Click

Serial.Output ("A")
textBox1.Text= "A"

End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
Serial.Output ("B")
End Sub

I have detected and connected the easy bluetooth module via com7, but when i run the program, i cant get a response.
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New Member
@SaShiMe, You appear as an unlicensed user. Please contact to resolve this issue.

Hi i am using Basic4ppc provided by the school. I do not have the licensed username and password for the forum.

one more question, currently when i compile, i have a .exe(device) file and a serial2.dll, i run it on the emulator, now i want to have a installer and an app for a real phone, how may i go abut doing it? I read on the forum that i will need a "setupbuilder", but i cant find it in my school com, can any kind soul point me in the direction to how to do it? Thanks !
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