Android Question Help notification activities

Andre Souza

Licensed User
I have three activities: Main, Web and List

Main: contains home screen with buttons
Web: WebView which opens a url
List: Adds the address of the URL (favorites)

Every 1 hour, has a service that seeks a new url and send. When the user clicks the notification, it is redirected to the Web activity, which opens the url specified in the notification. If he likes the url, you might add, which is redirected to activity List.

When you start the application by clicking on the icon, and when it comes notification, it works perfectly anywhere on the activities

If I close the application and load the notification, it opens Web activity, which is perfect. But if I add a url, I go to the Activity List. If you have another notice, and I'm in List activity, a notification is sent, but when I give the click nothing happens. Only charges if I have Web activity.

The app open for the notification, it only carries the notification if I'm in Web activity

This problem does not happen if I load the app for android icon (works in all activities)