You can make your own WOL code and have full control. This is a short description:
A Wake-On-LAN packet is an normal UDP packet with a header and the MAC address of the target computer. The UDP packet is 16 times the byte representation of the MAC address, plus the extra 6 bytes for a header. This makes the total packet size 6 + 16*6 = 102 bytes.
The first 6 bytes are filled with 0xFF (-> 255,255,255,255,255,255).
The next 6 bytes are the MAC address of the (e.g. 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E -> 0,26,43,60,77,94).
Each following set of 6 bytes are also filled with the target computer MAC address until the packet is full.
The UDP packet is normally sent to LAN broadcast address (e.g. 192.168.x.255). All computers on your LAN will recieve this, but only the one with a matching MAC address will respond and power on. The WOL UDP packet normally uses port 9. Note: As UDP packets are not guaranteed you may need to send it more than once.
' Target Computer MAC: 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E -> 0,26,43,60,77,94:
MagicWOLPacketData() As Byte = Array As Byte(255,255,255,255,255,255,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94,0,26,43,60,77,94)
You can make your own WOL code and have full control. This is a short description:
A Wake-On-LAN packet is an normal UDP packet with a header and the MAC address of the target computer. The UDP packet is 16 times the byte representation of the MAC address, plus the extra 6 bytes for a header. This makes the total packet size 6 + 16*6 = 102 bytes.
The first 6 bytes are filled with 0xFF (-> 255,255,255,255,255,255).
The next 6 bytes are the MAC address of the (e.g. 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E -> 0,26,43,60,77,94).
Each following set of 6 bytes are also filled with the target computer MAC address until the packet is full.
The UDP packet is normally sent to LAN broadcast address (e.g. 192.168.x.255). All computers on your LAN will recieve this, but only the one with a matching MAC address will respond and power on. The WOL UDP packet normally uses port 9. Note: As UDP packets are not guaranteed you may need to send it more than once.
A few months ago I wrote this class for WOL.
you can use it as follows.
Add new class module named as Wakeonlan
Copie code in the class module.
Mark Network and Byteconverter in the Libs Tab.
Dim wol As Wakeonlan
wol.Wake (You macadress target) 'Example wol.Wake ("58:53: EF: 6F: 26:29")
'Class module
Private Sub Class_Globals
Private UDPSocket1 As UDPSocket
Private bcon As ByteConverter
Private Packet As UDPPacket
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
UDPSocket1.Initialize("",0, 8000)
End Sub
Public Sub Wake(Mac As String)
Dim barry() As Byte
Dim data(102) As Byte
For t=0 To 5 '6x FF to Buffer
barry=bcon.HexToBytes(Mac) 'HEX to Byte
For x =6 To 96 Step 6 '16x Mac-Adresse to Buffer
bcon.ArrayCopy (barry, 0, data,x,6)
UDPSocket1.Send(Packet) 'Magic Packet send
ToastMessageShow("Error "&LastException.Message,True)
End Try
End Sub
A few months ago I wrote this class for WOL.
you can use it as follows.
Add new class module named as Wakeonlan
Copie code in the class module.
Mark Network and Byteconverter in the Libs Tab.
Dim wol As Wakeonlan
wol.Wake (You macadress target) 'Example wol.Wake ("58:53: EF: 6F: 26:29")
'Class module
Private Sub Class_Globals
Private UDPSocket1 As UDPSocket
Private bcon As ByteConverter
Private Packet As UDPPacket
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
UDPSocket1.Initialize("",0, 8000)
End Sub
Public Sub Wake(Mac As String)
Dim barry() As Byte
Dim data(102) As Byte
For t=0 To 5 '6x FF to Buffer
barry=bcon.HexToBytes(Mac) 'HEX to Byte
For x =6 To 96 Step 6 '16x Mac-Adresse to Buffer
bcon.ArrayCopy (barry, 0, data,x,6)
UDPSocket1.Send(Packet) 'Magic Packet send
ToastMessageShow("Error "&LastException.Message,True)
End Try
End Sub