Hi. I am a blind programmer and use both Basic4Android and Basic4ppc. My difficulty with them is that you must see to develop eye-capturing UI'S. If I code my apps, choose forms and controls that should be part of the form and code their events, would anyone be willing to size them up and make all screens look good and then send me the completed module? You won't get my actual program, but what you will get is a code module with the click events and/or scroll events that should fire each time you perform an action and test messages to at leact make sure your form runs the subs. Any apps I sell I am willing to give between 8% to 10% of all sales. If the app is only $.99 or $1.00 then you will get $2.00 everytime I make $10.00 on any platform! Let me know what you guys think and I will submit some forms I wish to use.