I am using Web services (thru HttpUtils) and need to process the response from a string of hex to the ASCII string equivalent.
My code is here:
Sub JobDone (Job As String)
If HttpUtils.IsSuccess(PostUrl) Then
Dim data As String
data = HttpUtils.GetString( PostUrl )
Dim bytearray(0) As Byte
bytearray = bconv.HexToBytes( data )
Dim msg As String
msg = bconv.StringFromBytes( bytearray, "UTF8" )
Log( msg )
Msgbox( msg, "" )
ToastMessageShow("Error sending request - are you sure you are connected to the internet?", True)
End If
HttpUtils.Complete = False 'Turn off the complete flag so we won't handle it again if the activity is resumed.
End Sub
(bconv is an instance of ByteConverter library)
(I know the encoding is UTF8 as I am also doing a very similar piece of code in a c# app and decode it as UTF8)
The response I get back is:
The text I would expect it to convert to is:
Any suggestions?