Hi, I've looked in the forum and I'm sure it's a quick fix but I can't find a way of changing a time entry of say 12:30 to ticks
Anybody know the answer please
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
Dim newdate As String = "05/01/2022"
Dim TimeFrom As String = "14:55"
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
Dim newdate As String = "05/01/2022"
Dim TimeFrom As String = "14:55"
Log(DateTime.DateParse(newdate & " " & TimeFrom))
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm"
Dim newdate As String = "05/01/2022"
Dim TimeFrom As String = "14:55"
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
Dim newdate As String = "05/01/2022"
Dim TimeFrom As String = "14:55"
Log(DateTime.DateParse(newdate & " " & TimeFrom))
Can't believe it was something so stupid that I missed, I've been putting hh instead of HH, thank you Mahres (and DonManFred), I'd tried all the various formats I could think of but always put hh, I've slapped my wrists and moving on, thanks again