There should be a hide button when you set ForceDone to true. However different keyboard apps can behave in different ways. You can add a "hide" button to the layout and call IME.HideKeyboard to hide the keyboard.
Hi Erel,
There is no Hide key, only the GER. key (Dutch keyboard) which is on the position of the Enter. This key hides the keyboard, but it is a bad translation (shortcutted) and my users (60+) don't understand.
Some keyboards have on the left corner a button especialy to hide the keyboard. I hoped there would be one.
Why this question:
Sometimes the keyboard is above an entry field. To check the already value it would be nice the drop the keyboard.
Is there a way to hide the keyboard by clicking/hitting outside the board, somewhere on the form?
For now, I will test with a "hide" button on the form and let my users trying it.