Hi there,
i have a tiny problem with my app. I have a page with a list and when you touch on a item another page is called to enter some informations for that item. So far so good. On the second page is a searchbar at the bottom. When i touch the textfield the keyboard shows up and the layout shrinks to fit. When you klick on search the item is searched and the keryboard disappers. When the work is done there is a back-button closes the page and sends back to the list.
The problem is - when the search is open and i move back to the last page with the list and back again to the information-page the keyboard is open, but now it is on top of my layout. If that happens i can go back and forward without any change. When i type anything blind and klick on search the search-process works, the keyboard disappers and i can go back and forward without problems. I need anything to hide the keyboard. I already tested
without success.
Has anyone a hint for me how to handle this?
No Idea why, now it works...