History lab - Analyze your country name


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Videos like these turn this forum into a history lab. Please write underneath how close is the explanation this guy gives for your country name. For us Greeks he seems to be a little missinformed. The word Greece comes from the name Graekoi which were a tribe first migrated near Rome from the city of Chalkis (Chalkida) and the Romans named all habitants of out land, Greeks. They did the same with the island of Britany in the canal among France and UK naming all UK habitants british (I am not positive about this but it was mentioned to me by an Italian philosophy and history teacher). The name we Greeks use is Hellenes and it comes from the word Hellas which is our country name, and it is as old as the Homeric epic poems and literally means el-las = bright stone (las you can also see it in modern language in word λατομείο/latomio - which is the place stones are cut/broken into smaller pieces). Also Malta according to the prime minister of Malta comes indeed from the word for honey but it was given from Greek collonials and not Roman (η χώρα του μέλιτος / i chora tou melitos = the land of meli/honey) - although Greek collonials in southern Italy may have passed the word to Romans. Of course this knowledge comes from what the Malta's prime minister mentioned but politicians often are not well informed so if there is someone from Malta and knows something more please proceed on sharing this with us. Fun fact: Lichtenstein and Greece actually have almost the same name as indeed the name of this country means "light and stone" or "bright stone".

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