Hola estaba practicando con la aplicación WalkieTalkie y quería hacer socket por 3G y no por IP local, he realizado estos cambios pero no hace soket:
Alguien sabe los cambios que hay que hacer?
Public Sub UpdateUI
'this sub is responsible for updating the UI based on the state which is stored in the service
Dim wifi = True, bt = True, discover = True As Boolean
If admin.IsEnabled = False Then
bt = False
discover = False
End If
lblIP.Text = Connector.MyIP
lblWifiStatus.Text = Connector.WifiStatus
lblBTStatus.Text = Connector.BTStatus
If Connector.WifiConnected Then lblWifiStatus.TextColor = Colors.Green Else lblWifiStatus.TextColor = Colors.Red
If Connector.BTConnected Then lblBTStatus.TextColor = Colors.Green Else lblBTStatus.TextColor = Colors.Red
If spnrPairedDevices.Size = 0 Then bt = False
If Connector.BTConnected OR Connector.WifiConnected Then
wifi = False
bt = False
discover = False
End If
If wifi AND Regex.IsMatch("[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+", edtIP.Text) = False Then
wifi = False
End If
If Connector.MyIP.Length = 0 OR Connector.MyIP = "" Then
wifi = False
End If
If searchInProgress Then bt = False
btnConnectBT.Enabled = bt
'btnConnectWifi.Enabled = wifi
btnBTSearch.Enabled = discover
btnMakeDiscoverable.Enabled = discover
lblPTT.Visible = Connector.BTConnected OR Connector.WifiConnected
End Sub
Sub HayInternet
Dim server As ServerSocket 'Add a reference to the network library
server.Initialize(0, "")
'If server.GetMyIP = "" Then 'this is the local host address
'no connection
Return server.GetMyIP
'End If
Return True
End Sub
Alguien sabe los cambios que hay que hacer?
Public Sub UpdateUI
'this sub is responsible for updating the UI based on the state which is stored in the service
Dim wifi = True, bt = True, discover = True As Boolean
If admin.IsEnabled = False Then
bt = False
discover = False
End If
lblIP.Text = Connector.MyIP
lblWifiStatus.Text = Connector.WifiStatus
lblBTStatus.Text = Connector.BTStatus
If Connector.WifiConnected Then lblWifiStatus.TextColor = Colors.Green Else lblWifiStatus.TextColor = Colors.Red
If Connector.BTConnected Then lblBTStatus.TextColor = Colors.Green Else lblBTStatus.TextColor = Colors.Red
If spnrPairedDevices.Size = 0 Then bt = False
If Connector.BTConnected OR Connector.WifiConnected Then
wifi = False
bt = False
discover = False
End If
If wifi AND Regex.IsMatch("[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+", edtIP.Text) = False Then
wifi = False
End If
If Connector.MyIP.Length = 0 OR Connector.MyIP = "" Then
wifi = False
End If
If searchInProgress Then bt = False
btnConnectBT.Enabled = bt
'btnConnectWifi.Enabled = wifi
btnBTSearch.Enabled = discover
btnMakeDiscoverable.Enabled = discover
lblPTT.Visible = Connector.BTConnected OR Connector.WifiConnected
End Sub
Sub HayInternet
Dim server As ServerSocket 'Add a reference to the network library
server.Initialize(0, "")
'If server.GetMyIP = "" Then 'this is the local host address
'no connection
Return server.GetMyIP
'End If
Return True
End Sub