Thanks for the quick reply. If I am reading your question correctly then I would say each row in the file will comprise 2 columns (first is the item number and second is the quantity) and neither have comma's in their values and the process of using the SaveCSV would then separate them by a comma.
In my Process Globals I have orderline as:
Type orderline (item as string, qty as string)
In my code to write the file I have:
Dim CSVlist As List
For i = 0 To lstorders.Size - 1
Dim row(2) As String
Dim s As orderline
s = lstorders.Get(i)
row(0) = s.item
row(1) = s.qty
CSVlist.Add(Array As String(row))
Dim su As StringUtils
su.SaveCSV(File.DirRootExternal, "MailList.csv", ",", CSVlist)
When I look at the MailList.csv output I see the following (I have not yet written or worried about the top header record as I believe I can just merge the two files and make a final file to send via email as the attachment:
Thanks, boastrike