How many downloads and active installs have you got?
From looking at other similar Apps we are at about the same level. I find the number of downloads a better indicator of App approval than anything else...
i.e. we have 6000+ downloads and 43 feedback. App was released in June.
vs. 550+ downloads and 3 feedback. App was released in Nov. (beginning of)
They're at about that level or thereabouts.. and the same with the number of downloads...
You're better off updating the App about every week or so - to up the number of downloads, as the App appears on various "Just In" lists and the more downloads you have the higher you will appear on related searches. Also look to tweak and adjust your text to get found more easily in the market.
I've also placed my Apps on and Amazon and am looking at Blackberry's conversion tool... for Playbook.. I should have the Playbook version ready next week... Just have to go through the steps.
We also have an associated blog and twitter to get people interested.
AdMob numbers are okay, but it's all about the number of active installs for that to work. A good EcPM is no good with a handful of users. It needs to be 10k+ Ideally around 100k+ and more!!