well its been that way for the past three or four years. the max here was 33.5c today according to our weather station. with a berg wind. the deciduous trees in my bonsai garden are already breaking leaves - at least two months before they should.
Ok. Spoiled. AC unit takes care of the heat, but at a cost. The first two weeks of July my household used as much electricity as all of June. . Since the temperatures did not go below 80 Fahrenheit here, the unit never stopped (or so it seemed) for days.
Finally! Someone who mentioned Fahrenheit. I was starting to feel alone here for a minute. I guess there isnt nearly as many people here from the USA as there are from other countries. Anyways, I digress.
up until the middle of last week, it was a hot steamy one here too. Then eventually the cold front blew by and brought some relief for a bit. But now things are on the rise again here in the southeast USA. Meanwhile, got my indoor yellow jacket insect situation finally taken care of, found the nest in the wall. Only to have Mice now. Yay. (yea, I live out in the woods)
Here in México on the coastline where you can find year around these high temperatures they usually drink a cup of warm coffee, because what we feel as temperature is just the differences between our body and the surroundings, if you increase your body heat you will acclimate faster
Romania has 35-40 deg. C for 1-2 months in the summer and -15 to -25 dec. C in the winter. We are just fine with air conditioner in the summer and good heating systems, clothes and boots in the winter
summers are around 29-30 degrees here in Istanbul but south of Turkey has temps around 38-39. I have never heard of this much high temperatures in Europe. We have A/C in nearly every building here but I think being without a/c in Europe these days is a big problem.